Our Mission

To give a positive Christian witness in the spirit of worship, faith, and love.  Also, to Sow God’s Word so that hearts and lives may be changed!

1)    To worship God Almighty in holiness and reverence.

2)    To preach the good news of the Messiah Jesus Christ and the imminent Kingdom of God through evangelism, bible classes, bible lectures, organized spiritual forum, print and electronic media.

3)    To prepare a body of believers for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

4)    To work for the unity of all Christians.

5)    To organize and run Schools, Colleges, Seminaries and research centers.

6)     Inculcation and restoration of Christian values into homes/families to encourage family cohesion, peace and stability in homes, neighborhoods through prayers, counseling and spiritual ministration.

7)    Organize charities and relief operations.

8)    Promote crime free and drug free environments.


All persons who earnestly and sincerely desire to be saved and therefore accept Jesus Christ as the son of God and only Lord and Saviour of mankind and who wish to worship and serve Him in the Church; demonstrating their sense of conversion by taking up such duties and privileges as are entailed in the fellowship, are welcome into the fold.

A worshipper desiring to become a member shall:

v   Renounce membership of all secret cults, societies, and fraternities.

v   Renounce the worship of all idols and fetish practices.

v   Desist from the worship of Satan and all his works, from following any fetish priests and from engaging in magic or any powers of darkness.

v   Renounce all titles, positions or associations, which directly or indirectly conflict with the above injunctions (e.g. any type of Chieftaincy title).

All the above are based on the teachings of the Holy Bible: Exodus 20:3  “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” and II Corinthians 6:14-15  “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?”

Who We Are

Celestial Church of Christ is a Christian Bible believing religious Church. Sharing a common faith with millions of other Christians around the World.  All the modes of operation take their roots in the Holy Bible.  Celestial Church of Christ is one single church, with many Parishes all over the world.   See Biblical Justification for Celestial Church’s Code of Conduct, regulations, tenets, and mode of worship.   For general information about the church, such as history, codes of conduct, bible lessons, etc., see About Us!  News and Press Releases are located in In the News.